October 28, 2010
With an ambitious goal of surpassing last year’s total, Lockerby students understood that they could help children with cancer by boosting their financial support for the paediatric wing of the NEORCC.
Cancer Drive Committee under Principal Heather Gaffney:
§ Co-chairs Jordan Armstrong and Katie Wismer (LCS Students)
o Student Team: Justin Visentin, Tiye Traore, Brooklyn Battison, Lindsay Leduc, Taylor Austin, Sara Campbell, Nick Buttazoni
§ Ms. Jennifer Peloso (LCS Staff Advisor)
§ Ms. Pina Cotesta (LCS Community Advisor)
The Cancer Drive Committee decided to do some additional fundraising to supplement their evening blitz. They continued with their “Rocking the Ribbon” campaign, and added bake sales, popcorn sales, and a 3-on-3 basketball activity. Still, they remained focused on the big night.
The Motivational Assembly continued to be a high point in the school’s campaign. Working as a collaborative team, the committee assembled a roster of speakers that would inspire the students. Nick Buttazoni and Justin Visentin emceed the proceedings, beginning with words of welcome and encouragement from Principal Gaffney. Mr. Rick Bartolucci, then MPP representing Sudbury, gave his positive views on Lockerby’s cancer drive from the perspective of a community leader; he spoke directly to the students, emphasizing the role of volunteerism in developing leadership qualities. Ms. Vicky Wilton and Ms. Tannys Laughren explained their roles with the NEORCC and how Cancer Drive funds help children in the North. A particularly insightful presentation was given by Ms. Courtney Pellerin, who described the experiences that she and her child have had at the NEORCC because of her child’s cancer. As well, Mr. Marcus Foligno, former Lockerby student and professional hockey player, shared his earlier experiences as a participant in the cancer drive; Marcus’s mother, Janis Foligno, died of cancer in 2009. Also, Holly Thorne, from Q92 FM, roused student spirit as she applauded their intentions and efforts. The assembly came to a clashing finale with two “gangs,” dressed in the apparel of past cancer drives, facing off in front of the student body. However, peace was made with the intervention of a Vike dressed in this year’s newly-designed t-shirt. Of course, Ms. Stanyon stole the show with her antics, entertaining all. Caught up in the excitement and motivated by the cause, students were ready to sign up for a cancer drive team!
Co-chairs Jordan Armstrong and Katie Wismer had led Lockerby through an incredible volunteer campaign of generosity, commitment, and enthusiasm; Lockerby had touched all of Sudbury!
The evening rain would not dampen the spirits of the hundreds of students who went door to door collecting funds for this year’s cancer campaign. As they returned to the school with receipt books and monies, they were greeted with donated food and congratulations. Members of the Parents Council served the students, impressed with the student camaraderie and enthusiasm. The teens raised $50,500 that night, but money continued to pour in for the next few days from businesses and Sudbury residents.
In the end, a cheque for $52,400 was presented to Tannys Laughren of the NEORCC at the Thank You Assembly. Taylor Austin and Tiye Traore emceed the event, while Principal Gaffney offered praise for an incredible effort and result on the part of both students and staff. Ms. Pina Cotesta spoke to the students with gratitude and affection for the work that they had done to help children with cancer in the spirit of her daughter, Laura. Ms. Jessica Durette, a mother of a child with cancer, shared with the audience how the cancer funds had helped her child and family. Gerry Lougheed Jr. returned once again, to applaud the incredible spirit and determination of Lockerby students to make a difference in the lives of others: an unselfish gesture of empathy and caring. Finally, the assembly concluded with the reading of an original poem by Tiye Traore, and a song delivered by Kelsey Mazzuca, befitting such an outstanding effort for a worthwhile cause.
A Year of Community Recognition 2011 Community Partnership Award
The Rainbow District School Board recognized Ms. Pina Cotesta with the RDSB Community Partnership Award for her volunteer work with the Lockerby Composite School Annual Cancer Drive.
“All of your hard work, dedication and kindness does go recognized. . . Laura would be so proud of her mom.” (Ms. Laura Stanyon and Mr. David Bertrim)
The LCS Cancer Drive Committee, as well as Ms. Jennifer Peloso and Principal Heather Gaffney attended the ceremony, along with members of Ms. Cotesta’s family.
Thank you, Ms. Cotesta, for helping us help children with cancer and their families.
Arbour Crystal Unveiling: “Kids Caring for Kids: Remembering Laura”
The Northern Cancer Research Foundation recognized Lockerby’s Cancer Drive with the unveiling of an “Arbour Crystal.”
At a ceremony celebrating the award, The 2010-2011 LCS Committee, under the leadership of Co-chairs Jordan Armstrong and Katie Wismer, spoke to the gathering on behalf of all of the thousands of Lockerby volunteers who have contributed to the amazing monetary contribution of over $500,000. Also attending the ceremony were Tannys Laughren (Executive Director NCRF), Ms. Pina Cotesta (LCS Community Advisor), Ryan Noble (One of the original students in the first campaigns who worked with Laura), Ms. Vicky Wilton (Paediatric Interlink Nurse), Dr. Francisco Diaz-Mitoma (Vice-President of Research for the Sudbury Regional Hospital, Ms. Heather Gaffney (Principal of LCS), Maureen Lacroix (Board Chair for the NCRF), and LCS teachers.
Sudbury Regional Hospital “Heart and Soul Wall” Leaf
The Sudbury Regional Hospital unveiled four walls of donation “leaves” in the main lobby of the hospital. Lockerby Composite School was recognized as a “Patron” for its monetary support of children living with cancer in Northeastern Ontario.
By this point in the history of Lockerby’s annual campaign, more than $500,000 had been raised – a tribute to the volunteer efforts of Lockerby students and staff over 15 cancer drives, to the generosity of the Sudbury community who embraced this annual campaign, and to the spirit of Laura Cotesta who remains alive in these young people.
Edgar Burton Youth Hubby Award
The Hubby Award”: in honour of the late Hubert Bray, a lawyer who gave tirelessly to the community and a former president of the Sudbury Food Bank.
Organized by Geoffrey Lougheed and the Sudbury Food Bank, the awards are presented to individuals or groups who have served the people of Sudbury with compassion, dedication, integrity, and hard work, and whose deeds are examples of the importance of leadership, kindness, and volunteerism. The award of $2,000 to Lockerby Composite School Cancer Drive was donated to the NORCF. Co-chairs of the 2011 campaign, Nick Buttazoni and Sara Campbell, accepted the award at a celebratory luncheon sponsored by local businesses.
“Most individuals will acknowledge that at some point in their lives they got a break or received a helping hand from someone. When the kindness received is carried forward and the opportunity to return the favour is taken – then the wheel has turned full circle.
The citizens of Sudbury have always had a generous heart and a long memory for kindness.” (Hub Bray, 2006)
“He said we needed only two things in life: kindness and a commitment to our fellow man.” (John Michael Bray describing his father, “Hub” Bray)
October 27, 2011
Lockerby Cancer Drive Committee under Principal Heather Gaffney:
§ LCS C0-chairs Nick Buttazoni and Sara Campbell
o Student Team: Bennett Blackwell, Jenny Trevisiol, Diandra Buttazzoni, Cassie Campbell, Mia Giommi, Sally Ross, Sara S., Christian Murphy, Jasmine, and Renee
§ Ms. Jennifer Peloso (LCS Staff Advisor)
§ Ms. Pina Cotesta (LCS Community Advisor)
The Motivational Assembly was once again a highlight of the campaign, with several speakers and a video of Laura, in her own words. The program was emceed by Jenny and Jasmine, who welcomed the students followed by Principal Gaffney, who offered her own words of welcome and explained the incredible success of the experience of the cancer drive for all involved. The students listened to the words of Ms. Pina Cotesta and her daughter Daniella as they told Laura’s story from their perspectives. Also, they introduced co-chair Nick Buttazzoni as a representative of a new generation of Lockerby Vikings, who has inherited “The Power of a Dream.” Nick described his own challenges with childhood cancer, and how many years ago he received the benefits of Lockerby’s paediatric cancer donations. Then he turned directly to his audience: “There will always be a light, a torch, that was lit sixteen years ago by Laura, and with that light, we can accomplish anything.” Co-chair Sara Campbell repeated the challenge, reviewing the recognition that Cancer Drive has received from the community. The good work of volunteer Vikings would continue!
Guest speaker and Sudbury firefighter, Caz Taback, spoke to the students about his childhood experiences with cancer – how he faced these challenges as a youth, but now was leading a vibrant and purposeful adult life. Next, Sudbury Wolves Coach Jeff Beukeboom and Sudbury Wolves player Sam Schultz addressed the importance of setting goals and overcoming obstacles, using their sporting lives for examples. Beukeboom told the students that his “best hall-of-fame teammates couldn’t hold up to you.” The Lockerby team had proven itself to be a formidable force! Finally, Mia and Jeff introduced the cancer drive teams, and encouraged students to sign up for the big night.
The number of teams had grown to accommodate all students who wanted to participate. “Show Me The Money” dominated the Motivational Assembly with their black suits and dark glasses, but other teams were ready to take them on in a friendly competition: West Enders, Trip A Battery, Technophobia, Bazinga!, Awesome Sauce, Ka$ching, Flying Green Ninja Monkeys, Flag Football, Lively, Brightside, Beast from Valley East, Football, X-treme North, X-County (SSS), Office Team, and School Council. The entire extended school was involved - students, teachers, parents, office staff, cleaning staff, and community volunteers.
The night of the blitz was a flurry of excitement as the students returned to the school to deliver their monies and receipts, share stories and feast on snacks, donated by local businesses. Even a school bus was needed to deliver the numbers of student teams to and from their allocated canvassing areas in the City of Greater Sudbury. Staff member Ms. Laura Stanyon had accompanied a group of students to a tournament in Sault Ste. Marie, and she supervised these students as they canvassed a small area of the city and promoted the cancer drive. Principal Gaffney described the mood in the office at the end of that night: “Best of all, . . . [when] Jen (Peloso) and I compare our front counter total to the total Pina (Cotesta) has accumulated in the back is like opening the best gift. It is an emotional and joyous sliver of time for the students, NCF representatives, community volunteers, and Lockerby staff in the room. It takes a community to raise $50,000 in one evening . . .. We are lucky to have Jen’s leadership and Pina’s mentorship. As always, I am also completely inspired by the support we receive from staff.”
Yes, a community of volunteers.
The tag team of Rich Griffin and Gary Beech from EZ Rock Radio provided a rousing motivational interaction that raised the volume in the gymnasium. Then, on a solemn note, Ms. Maggie Sherrington and her son, Anthony, spoke about his childhood cancer; Lockerby’s fundraising makes a difference in the lives of children and families with cancer. Tannys Laughren followed, reiterating Ms. Sherrington’s words, but from the point of view of the Director of the Northern Cancer Foundation.
The Thank You Assembly was a celebration indeed. Emcees Cass and Mia started the event, with gratitude then expressed by several speakers: Principal Gaffney and Co-chairs Sara and Nick. After a “Thank You Video” and a musical rendition of “I Believe” by Leah Perrault, Diandra introduced Ms. Pina Cotesta. Her appreciation extended to all involved, and she directed the students, “let’s turn to our teammates, shake hands, congratulate and thank each other for believing in this cancer drive, raising $50,000, and keeping Laura’s dream alive.” Q92 announcer and community volunteer Melanie Dahl added her applause to the students, reminding them that young people can and do make a difference in the lives of others. Finally, Mark Hartman, Vice-President of the Regional Cancer Program and Tannys Laughren accepted Lockerby’s cheque, grateful for the work of the campaign and the good it brings to children.
“If you just trust and believe, there’s no limit to what you can do.” -Laura Cotesta
October 25, 2012
Over $550,000 had been raised to date, and still this year’s Lockerby students continued to have the same dreams of their predecessors. Much had been accomplished, but the vision of a Paediatric Centre of Excellence for the North had motivated the community. And this year’s committee had BIG ideas to help make this vision a reality.
Lockerby Cancer Drive Committee under Principal Heather Gaffney:
§ Student chairperson Bennett Blackwell (LCS Student)
o Student Committee: Caitlyn Kusnierczyk, Keiana Clement, Roberto Bagnato, Connor Bar, Diandra Buttazzoni, Kevin Cacciotti, Liandra Hunt, Christian Murphy, Sally Ross, Julia Sostarich, Kate Zucconi, and Taylor Zyma
§ Ms. Jennifer Peloso (LCS Staff Advisor and Coordinator)
§ Ms. Vicky Majkot (LCS Staff Advisor)
§ Ms. Pina Cotesta (LCS Community Advisor)
The Motivational Assembly was a well-planned event with some surprises for Lockerby students. The roster of speakers provided inspiration and energy to motivate their teenage audience: Rich Griffin and Gary Beech from KISS Q92 returned with their motivational tag-team promotion of the volunteer spirit for which LCS had become well-known. Banners, new sweat shirts, and balloons added to the upbeat atmosphere. The highlight was motivational video messages sent to Lockerby students for their cancer drive: from Canadian comedian Rick Mercer, from musical group Down With Webster, from local and national athlete and television sports reporter Tessa Bonhomme, and the inclusion of LCS’s Cancer Drive story in the blog of Lauren Shirreff, co-founder of a Canadian social media company. Wow!
The night of the blitz was a united and focused effort as more than 500 students, teachers, and volunteers spread out over the Greater City of Sudbury to receive the generous donations of the waiting community. Wide smiles dominated the faces of students as they knocked on doors, returned their collected funds, shared stories with their peers as they ate pizza at the end of the evening. The final tally was a whopping $54,000, an incredible gesture of kindness and compassion by all involved for children with cancer.
In the final assembly and cheque presentation, the most repeated phrase was “thank you”: thank you from Principal Gaffney, from co-chair Bennett, and Ms. Tannys Laughren (Executive Director of the NCF). Returnee Gerry Lougheed helped the students to understand what they as individuals, as a school had shown the community: volunteer teenagers, leading the community to make a difference for children with cancer and their families in Northeastern Ontario. Ms. Laughren added, “Each and every year, the students and staff pull out all the stops to ensure that Laura’s legacy live on. This group of community-minded individuals is our future, and we’re tremendously proud of their work.”
When student Melina Ralph watched her friend going through cancer, it really hit her, so she wanted to donate cuttings from her hair to the making of human-hair wigs for cancer patients. Likewise, Tapanga Lecompte and Haley also had their hair cut in front of the student body at the Motivational Assembly. The loss of hair due to cancer treatment can be a devastating blow to a young person, especially a female. Their LCS peers applauded their efforts.
Kelsey Panton, LCS student and recovering cancer patient appreciated the time she could spend close to home during treatment; the Northeast Paediatric Oncology Centre helped her not only with academic support but also with emotional support. Lockerby’s efforts were making an impact!
At the end of the campaign, Principal Gaffney reflected: Our Cancer Drive “establishes leadership and a sense of well-being in terms of doing something that’s really significant and worthwhile for our community.” In her years at Lockerby, she had ensured the continuation and development of a tradition of volunteerism, leadership, and compassion for children in Northeastern Ontario.
The committee took their mandate beyond the evening blitz of raising funds, further demonstrating leadership and compassion. The students regularly visited the Paediatric Cancer Unit, taking the time to interact with these young patients with cancer, make crafts with them, assist them with their academics. A video was created with footage from the student body, set to Kelly Clarkson’s song “Stronger.” At Christmas the young patients received a personal DVD, honouring their strength and courage.
In the end, the experience of Lockerby’s Cancer Drive was summed up by one member of the committee: “Strength is the courage to take on a battle you may not win. It is overcoming as a team when you could not have as an individual. It is the unity of hundreds of Lockerby students carrying Laura Cotesta’s legacy. . . Although Laura is no longer with us, she lives on in her dream and in the strength, she has given us.”
The students had the last word and recognized that their results were community results, and so on the corner of Walford and Paris Streets, their banner message spoke loudly: Thank you Sudbury for supporting our Kids Caring for Kids Cancer Drive.
2013 Rainbow District School Board Award: Outstanding Contribution to the Co-curricular Program
Recipient Ms. Jennifer Peloso has been Lockerby Composite School’s Teacher Advisor and Coordinator for the annual cancer campaign, “Kids Caring for Kids: Remembering Laura Cotesta” for the past eight years. “Every year, Ms. Peloso helps to establish a student committee for the drive. She supports students in developing their own leadership skills and in realizing the difference that youth volunteerism can make in the lives of others. Ms. Peloso’s commitment to the drive, along with Laura’s mother Pina, has been a catalyst for its success, year after year. Those who benefit the most are the young people fighting cancer in our own community.
October 29, 2013
After such a successful 2012 campaign, Lockerby students wanted to start their Cancer Committee planning even earlier for fall 2013. As a result, over 80 students applied, and the committee was enlarged to fifteen students for the team and two co-chairs.
Lockerby Composite School Cancer Drive Committee under Principal Heather Gaffney:
§ LCS Co-chairs Roberto Bagnato and Caitlyn Kusnierczyk
o Student Team: Kate Zucconi, Haley Duchesne, Raven Brooks, Taylor Duhamel, Alyssa Murray, James Labelle, Thalia Pisaric, Kelana Clement, Dana Bartolucci, Vanessa Bartoli, Lorena Buttazoni, Adrian Kuchtaruk, Steph Hunter, Michael McQuarrie, Kelsey Panton
§ Ms. Kristina Rivard Gobbo (LCS Vice-Principal and Advisor)
§ Ms. Gisele Beaudry (LCS Staff Advisor)
§ Ms. Vicki-Sue Potvin (LCS Staff Advisor)
§ Ms. Pina Cotesta (LCS Community Advisor)
The Motivational Assembly was emceed by Mike McQuarrie and Vanessa Bartoli, who welcomed all to this important event. The momentum was turned up as over 40 students from MacLeod Public School teamed with members of the LCS Cancer Committee and performed “The Childhood Cancer Cup Song.”
Now it’s gone, Now it’s gone
Now their cancer’s really gone
We don’t miss it, no we dissed it
Cuz we knew that they would kick it, and
. . . We won’t miss cancer when it’s gone!!!
This performance was a reminder that cancer can affect children, but with a united spirit and effort, cancer can be beaten. Lockerby wanted to add their support to MacLeod students Kameryn and Sara, as well as Lockerby’s Kelsey, who were all presently undergoing treatment for cancer.
Principal Gaffney then praised MacLeod’s performance of “The Cancer Cup Song” and how it added to the momentum of the Lockerby Cancer Drive. A Hall of Fame video depicted the history and evolution of the cancer drive, especially important for students new to Lockerby this year. Dr. Sean Murray, Medical Director and Chief of Paediatrics at HSN spoke about the important difference that the funds from the cancer drive make for children with cancer in Northeastern Ontario. Then, former Lockerby student Nadia Costanzo introduced Laura Cotesta to the audience through words and video. She echoed Laura’s spirit as she motivated the students: “Every door you knock on and every dollar you raise gives someone else a fighting chance!” The momentum continued with Rich and Gary from EZ Rock radio; their tag-team routine roused the spirit within the gymnasium for a worthwhile cause. And then, eight students put on their smocks, and sat for volunteer hair stylists who cut their hair for cancer; the hair would be used to make wigs for cancer patients undergoing treatment.
The assembly was rising to a high point; a video message from Mr. Brian Savage, hometown and professional hockey player. Brian understood well the heart-breaking impact of cancer on families, as he lost a brother and a niece to cancer. Co-chairs Caitlyn and Roberto picked up the message, and focused on the responsibility ahead: “Even though we’ve had so much success over the past 18 years, there is still work to do . . . It is our turn to carry [Laura’s] torch, not only for Laura, but for all the kids who have had or will have their lives affected by cancer. This year, we’re burning brighter than ever.”
The assembly ended on a lighter note: Mr. Harley Laalo, LCS teacher and football coach, performed his song “Drive” with students from his guitar class to the dance moves of members of the football team.
The committee was busy, pulling successful ideas from past campaigns and adding new ones. New Viking sweaters along with green and gold and white socks were sold. Even more businesses were approached by committee members for personal donations; food contributions were organized. The “Rock the Ribbon” campaign was renewed, and students were given canvassing instructions – this time by grade. All was ready!
To keep students and Sudbury residents up-to-date on events and reminders, the committee set up Twitter and Instagram accounts reaching out with social media. As well, the cancer drive website was up and running, a great place to see amazing photos and donate via PayPal!
On the night of the blitz, over 500 students hit the cold streets armed with receipt books, pens, bags, map routes, identifying badges, and warm smiles. Included in the canvassing effort were over 30 eager MacLeod Students – a perfect kids’ partnership! The people of the City of Greater Sudbury were waiting for them, as the committee had done a good job of advertising through the support of local media. As a result, an astounding $58,000 was delivered to the volunteer counters back at the school; then the students feasted on pizza and other food and shared their canvassing stories. The camaraderie of being part of a team engaged in a cause bigger than themselves was evident in their faces!
The “Thank You Assembly” was a celebration indeed! The students had truly outdone themselves. Gratitude was expressed by Principal Gaffney, the Cancer Drive Committee co-chairs, the NCF, and Ms. Pina Cotesta. In her speech she described how Vice-Principal Rivard Gobbo had challenged the organizing committee to come up with one word describing what Cancer Drive meant to them. The students responded with words such as “overwhelmed,” “smiles,” “joy,” “friends,” “love,” “confidence,” and “courage.” To these words, Ms. Cotesta added “family”; “You have put smiles on the faces of many children, given joy to their families who have to deal with so much . . .. We, as a Lockerby family believe in ourselves, we inspire each other and give each other the desire to help others.” What a wonderful compliment for Lockerby students and staff.
Mr. Gerry Lougheed Jr. also returned to congratulate students. In fact, he donated $2,000.00 to bring the total to $60,000; he told Lockerby that it deserved the distinction of raising $60,000 in one night! Thank YOU, Mr. Lougheed. He also donated 800 cans of soup to Lockerby students, because in his opinion, our cancer drive is like a “Chicken Soup for the Soul” kind of story!
Yet cancer drive was not finished. Another $2,000 worth of donations brought the final total to $62,000 – an amazing amount$ Students shared this success with the people of Sudbury, the community that had made it possible. On the corner of Paris and Walford Roads, committee members displayed their banner: “THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR KIDS CARING FOR KIDS CANCER DRIVE.” The students sang and danced in front of passing traffic, exhibiting the enthusiasm and happiness that comes from a campaign of helping others!
The LCS Cancer Drive Committee had been touched deeply by their experience of the campaign. As a result, committee members visited the Cancer Clinic near Christmas: to meet children with cancer and to engage them in crafts and fun conversation. All around them were the material benefits of Lockerby’s donations, but more important were the smiles of the young patients’ faces and the Lockerby students.
October 30, 2014
A large student committee was planned for this year’s campaign, and organization began before the school year even commenced. Principal Gaffney, understanding the importance of team dynamics in achieving goals, set up a team-building experience at The Canadian Ecology Centre in Mattawa. The students were grateful to her for the opportunity to grow as a team and as leaders.
The committee set a financial goal of $40,000, and efficiently prepared for October 30th. Letters were sent out to business leaders, requesting their support for the campaign. The students designed and ordered new Lockerby Cancer Drive T-shirts and toques. Responsibilities were assigned, and deadlines were set. A CTV video was put together with the help of teacher Mr. John Walton, a former sports reporter for a local television station. The video starred members of the committee and was funded by the Sudbury firefighters and HATCH; the details and the history of the Lockerby Cancer Drive were presented to inform Sudbury residents and to invite the community to participate.
Lockerby Cancer Drive Committee under Principal and Coordinator Heather Gaffney:
§ LCS Co-chairs Raven Brooks and Taylor Duhamel (LCS Students)
o Student Team: Lorena Buttazzoni, Shane Wilkinson, Abigal White, Adrian Kuchtaruk, Andrew Kusnierczyk, Logan Wilkinson, Mariangela Bagnato, Montana McCulloch, Noah Blackwell, Riley Roy, Sophie Hardcastle, Cadence Pangowish
§ Ms. Jennifer Peloso (LCS Staff Advisor and Coordinator)
§ Ms. Vicky-Sue Potvin (LCS Staff Advisor)
§ Ms. Giselle Beaudry (LCS Staff Advisor)
o Assisted by LCS Staff Members Mr. John Walton and Ms. Marlene Rantala
§ Ms. Pina Cotesta (LCS Community Advisor)
The Motivational Assembly was once again an upbeat event with green and gold and white balloons joined together in the shape of a ribbon - “Rock the Ribbon,” - streamers, banners, videos, music, and enthusiastic students, staff, and special guests. Members of the committee were dressed in “Superman” t-shirts to emphasize the super hero task ahead of the school. Adrian and Shane began the event with a welcome, and then introduced Principal Gaffney who spoke on the importance of Cancer Drive to Lockerby.
Former Viking and Head of the Firefighter’s Association, Mr. Rob Hyndman, talked to the students about heroes: “A true hero is a person that displays courage and selflessness for others, especially those that are in need. A hero has an aligned moral compass that clearly points the way to the ‘right thing to do’. Laura was a hero; the Vikings who came before you to bring Cancer Drive to what it is today are heroes and the kids you are raising money for that are battling [cancer] day in and day out are truly heroes.” Mr. Hyndman then turned to a video of Laura: “I am truly honoured to introduce a video of the young lady with a vision for a life where the children battling a fate similar to hers had their time at the treatment centre made a little bit easier.” He made it clear that “there was no thinking about it; we [joined cancer drive] because Laura was a Viking who asked for our help, and it was simply the right thing to do.”
The pink fire truck with its symbolic ribbons was a reminder of the reason they were there. The community partnership with firefighters embodied the heart of the campaign.
Co-chairs Raven and Taylor gave a student’s perspective on cancer drive, and the experience of giving in this community-school effort. Returnee guests Rich Griffin and Gary Beech from KISS 105.3 reminded students of the value of volunteerism, in their own idiosyncratic and effective way.
In the next section of the assembly, the audience became very quiet. Mr. Tyler Popowich and his wife, Cindy, spoke of Tyler’s cancer experience and how Lockerby had helped them through their support of the Cancer Centre. Firefighter Mike Squarzola then took the microphone with his son, Jacob – a child dealing with the challenges of cancer. They spoke of their experience as a family and the positive impact of the Paediatric Team at the Cancer Centre. Childhood cancer was made real. Mike and Jacob were supported at the assembly by several firefighters, dressed in full firefighting attire. Awesome!
To kick off Cancer Drive Week, a Saturday road hockey tournament was organized on the side parking lot of the school. This fundraising event was a new venture, with 8 teams, and approximately 80 to 100 people involved – playing for fun and a worthwhile cause.
Vice Principal Mr. David Bertrim hosted a fun-fashion show of teachers modelling the various Lockerby Cancer Drive T-shirts and sweaters that had been worn over the years. Of course, staff favourite, Ms. Laura Stanyon stole the show with her enthusiasm and flair. The focus then moved to “hair cutting for cancer,” an activity that was becoming an annual tradition at Motivational Assemblies. Even teacher Ms. Burns had her hair cut and donated to make authentic wigs for cancer patients undergoing treatment.
The Motivational Assembly ended outside with the arrival of a pink fire truck, and firefighters acted by hosing down the teacher-winner of the Get Soaked by a Firefighter fundraiser, Mr. Eric Laberge. While the activity was good and friendly fun, the pink fire truck with its symbolic ribbons was a reminder of the reason they were there. The community partnership with firefighters embodied the heart of the campaign.
The night of the blitz was a flurry of activity; rarely is the school alive with so many students throughout the evening hours. All the weeks of organization now came into play, and the organizing committee could realize the benefits of their efforts. Teachers and students were mobilized into the community for their canvassing, the front office was set up with volunteers to organize, record, and count donations, and Parents’ Council had food donations set up to greet the students as they returned from their outing. The final tally was a remarkable $64,003. Yes, … and three dollars! $20,000 beyond their target. The students were ecstatic.
The Thank You Assembly was the finale to an extraordinary campaign! Marina Moore of CTV opened the event with “The Social Video,” and then offered her congratulations to Lockerby students. Emcees Riley and Montana welcomed all, and stepped aside for Principal Gaffney, who extended her appreciation to the Cancer Drive Committee and all staff and students who participated. Representing the committee, Co-chairs Raven and Taylor expressed their elation with the results of the campaign. As well, they announced the winners of the Instagram Challenge Video. A letter from the Prime Minister of Canada, the Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, was read. He had sent a message of commendation for the students and staff of Lockerby: “You are honouring Laura’s memory with your hard work and community spirit, while making a positive difference in many lives.” The final cheque presentation was received with messages of thanks from the Northeastern Cancer Foundation.
When Ms. Pina Cotesta spoke, she reminded students of what a friend is, “a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts; a person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause - your own mirrored image.” Then she asked the students to look around the room for a friend. “Yes,” she told them, “you didn’t have to look very far, because you are sitting in a room full of heroes and friends.” Students and staff had all become connected in this incredible cause to make a difference in the lives of children with cancer. Ms. Cotesta finished by referring the audience to a video prepared for Lockerby by some of the children at the Cancer Centre in appreciation of what Lockerby had done for them – “Just One Drop.” The best thank you of all!