November 28, 2015
The Twentieth Anniversary
Celebrating Lockerby’s “Kids Caring for Kids: Remembering Laura”
In the fall of 2015, Lockerby experienced an administration change, and during this transition period, the cancer drive date was moved to the spring. Rather than leave a vacuum during the traditional time of the campaign, Ms. Pina Cotesta, her family, a team of alumni and students, as well as representatives from the NCF and Cancer Treatment Centre decided to celebrate the 2o-year anniversary of cancer drives and to raise funds for paediatric cancer in the north.
The evening was a celebration with food, music, videos, images, and students and staff – past and present – and community volunteers, family, and friends. A roster of speakers was assembled, and while participants reminisced about past cancer drives, friendships were renewed.
Melissa and Daniela Cotesta emceed the evening and started us off with warm welcomes. They reminded the audience of their sister and her dream, and how Lockerby’s Cancer Drive had taken on this dream; the people in the room were thanked for supporting this dream and helping children with cancer in Northeastern Ontario.
The first half of the evening focused on how the cancer drive began and the progress of cancer care in our community. The evolution of Lockerby’s Cancer Drive over twenty years was highlighted by speakers and videos in the second half of the evening.
§ Congratulations from Deputy Mayor Jocelyn Landry-Altmann representing Mayor Bigger and the Greater City of Sudbury
§ Laura’s Video: Images and words of and by Laura describing her dream of helping children with cancer and their families in Northeastern Ontario
§ Jennifer Bradley Selby and Ryan Noble (in absentia), both of whom knew Laura personally: Descriptions about the beginnings of the cancer drive from the students’ point of view: “Many of us have been affected by cancer in one way or another, and it was Laura’s ability to empathize with patients and their family members that called us to action. Hence the name, “Kids Caring for Kids.” Youth need opportunities to learn that they can make a difference in the lives of others, and the Lockerby Cancer Drive has nurtured the gift of volunteerism and leadership for our own community.
§ Ada Della Penta, sharing words from Co-founding Principals Bruce Hatton and Joe Drago, as well as her own experiences as LCS Student Council and Cancer Drive advisor: Mr. Hatton reminded the audience that this initiative has helped Lockerby define itself as a “school which recognizes and serves the interests of cancer patients and the community at large.” The campaign was a whole school endeavour with the full support of students, staff, support staff, and administration. Mr. Drago recalled Laura’s spirit, courage, and strength – the very same qualities that he observed in his wife as she battled cancer: “We must continue to honour that brave and courageous young lady who made us realize that we must continue to work hard for cancer research . . . Laura Cotesta is a true Viking.”
§ Ronda Lenti, retired educator and Laura’s OA1 English teacher: descriptions of Laura as a highly-reflective and insightful student in the final months of her life. Her final seminar, Laura argued that “it was beautiful to watch oneself die,” a thesis that stunned her audience of peers. She then proceeded to explain that in understanding one’s mortality, one could livemore fully and better – today. She left that legacy: to live well today, remembering that it involves supporting each other, especially with those who are suffering.
§ Vicky Wilton and Sylvie Kozlowskyj, paediatric nurses from the Northern Cancer Centre: descriptions of what these nurses do, and why the cancer drive is vital to helping children with cancer.
§ Dr. Sean Murray, Paediatrican at the Northern Cancer Centre described the evolution of cancer care for children in Northeastern Ontario. Also, he emphasized that the need for care continues into the future, and we must continue our efforts.
§ The Anderson Family spoke of their personal family story of their child’s diagnosis of cancer and the challenge of cancer treatment. The funds raised through the Lockerby Cancer Drive had made a difference in their lives, and they expressed their gratitude and congratulations.
§ Tannys Laughren, Executive Director of the Northern Cancer Foundation ended the first half of the program with a brief thank you to all speakers and an explanation of the evening’s fundraisers.
During the break, fundraising kicked into high gear, sparked by the dynamism of Nadia Costanzo. Even in this anniversary celebration, it was important that we continue to help children with cancer in our community. Raffles for a Ski and Golf Package in Collingwood donated by former LCS students Angela Pidutti and Craig Russell, and a Hockey Package of 2 Toronto Maple Leaf Tickets donated by Noront Steel Ltd. were presented; the $20.00 table envelope was explained – and envelopes were stuffed! Then Nadia put on her best sales pitch for the Sock Draw; socks were purchased, with surprise gifts in winning socks – from massages, to flowers, to restaurant vouchers, to music concerts, and more – all from community businesses offering their support for the anniversary! All socks were then donated to the Sudbury Soup Kitchen and the Samaritan Centre. While this lively intermission was proceeding, a video played in the background: a 20-year anniversary time line of Lockerby’s Cancer Drive put together by Mariangela Bagnato (LCS Cancer Drive Co-chair 2015-2016). LCS student-musician Carter Morin provided background music throughout the evening, adding to the enjoyment of the occasion.
§ Alannah Luttrell, former Lockerby student and Cancer Drive Committee member 2008 & 2009
§ Jennifer Peloso, LCS teacher and Cancer Drive Advisor/Coordinator for more than ten years spoke.
§ Heather Gaffney, former Principal of Lockerby Composite School spoke of her years as supporter and coordinator of the Cancer Drive.
§ Bennett Blackwell, former LCS student and Cancer Drive Chair, described the highlights of the 2012 campaign. He recalled the most inspiring component of the drive, the “Stronger” video featuring the staff and paediatric patients from the cancer centre. These people were the ones who needed our support and we responded. He added, “My years involved in Cancer Drive are some that I hold close to me, and I am forever proud to have seen how one person’s legacy could inspire a committee, a school, and a community.”
§ Roberto Bagnato, former LCS student and Cancer Drive Chair, described how the campaign had increased its virtual presence in 2013 – spreading awareness among even more people within the Northeastern Ontario community. He reflected on the experience of the drive, “The experiences I gained from being on the organizing committee developed so many of the of the skills I cherish today . . . experiences [that] also taught me life lessons.”
§ Raven Brooks and Taylor Duhamel, LCS students and Cancer Drive Co-chairs 2014, highlighted key moments in their campaign: the partnership with the firefighters, the letter from the prime minister, funding technology for the Paediatric Centre at the Cancer Centre.
§ Craig Runciman, present principal of Lockerby Composite School spoke of the tradition of Cancer Drive, of which he was now proud to be a part.
§ Pina Cotesta, Laura’s mother and Community Advisor for many LCS Cancer Drives, began with a heartfelt thank you to everyone. She reminded the audience of the love, friendship, commitment, and courage that has connected the volunteers for over 20 years of the cancer drives. Still, there is a need to continue the quest that Mr. Hatton and Mr. Drago and Laura and those first volunteer campaign students and staff established; and so, she ended, “Thank you for continuing the fight.”
As the evening ended, friends lingered to remember and celebrate. The resolve was strong: the legacy of Lockerby students and staff, the dream of a LCS student to make life better for youth with cancer, and the commitment and support of a community would continue on into the next decade. More than $700,000 had been raised over the past twenty years, but it was not the end. “Kids Caring for Kids: Remembering Laura” would endure as long as there was cancer, and children and families who needed Lockerby’s support - “This cancer drive is our passion. We know that what we are doing matters.”
“So I want to thank you Vikings from the bottom of my heart for believing in Laura and helping to make her dream come true . . . Thank you for making those cloudy days that much brighter for children living with cancer.” -Thank You Assembly speech by Jazmine Roy 2008
“If you keep hoping and praying for sunshine, the sunshine is sure to come.” -Laura Cotesta
LCS Cancer Drive: Kids Making a Difference for Kids with Cancer
Lockerby’s Cancer Fund has directly supported the Paediatric Oncology Division at the Northeast Cancer Centre, with positive results including state-of-the-art upgrades of treatment room, patient support and time and items to help young cancer patients make their journey of treatment easier, more comfortable – to leave the message that people care and are willing to assist.
Listed below are many of the specific items and structures that Lockerby’s cancer funds have supported:
§ Paediatric Interlink Program (including some of the items listed below): to assist with a dedicated medical professional to assist families
§ Construction in the paediatric clinic of the cancer centre level 0 - interactive waiting/play room for kids
§ Construction of the supportive care consult room for paediatrics level 1
§ Capital equipment to support the paediatric clinics
§ Educational materials: explaining diagnosis to treatment, hospital stays, clinic visits, and follow up
§ Teen retreats: on or off treatment; camps
§ Super Sibs Program
§ Bereavement program: supporting families coping with grief
§ Youth group: 4-5 activities per year
§ Bravery Bead Program
§ Keeping Kids Connected: providing technology for children to connect with friends, teachers and schools – televisions, DVDs, computers; installation of wi-fi in the paediatric clinic
§ Tutoring Program
§ Patient amenities: support with the payment of utility bills, travel, gas, groceries
§ Celebrations: refreshments, birthday cakes, recognition of milestones in treatments and successes
§ Miscellaneous fund: decorations, posters, toys, craft materials, games; Christmas baskets for patients
Looking to Future Funding: NEOKIDS Campaign
§ proposed Paediatric Centre of Excellence which would “provide for health-care needs that are currently unmet, under-met or for which children and their families need to go outside the region”
Responses to Lockerby’s Cancer Drive Donations
Vicky Wilton, Paediatric Interlink Nurse: “Know that you devotion is making a difference in the lives of children and their families each and every day.”
Tannys Laughren, Executive Director of the NCF: “We could not provide the support at all levels if we did not have the financial contribution from this amazing campaign. Laura had a dream and her vision and compassion have touched the lives . . . of many people in Sudbury as her ‘Kids Caring for Kids’ campaign lives one. Lockerby’s ‘Kids Caring for Kids’ enables the NCF to ensure that we are advancing and making a difference in cancer outcomes and experiences for our paediatric patients throughout Northeastern Ontario.
The Northern Cancer Foundation: “an outstanding achievement by an outstanding group of students, staff, parents and the community.”